
a npm module for furries
made by @codepupper

how it started

yiff.js was originally made as a general API wrapper for thald.in. While Developing it, I felt like a lot of people could use this Module as well, due to that I made it open source and am now trying to add as many APIs as possible into it!

what sets it apart?

yiff.js is entirely async / promise based! It also filters the less important things from requests to sites like e921.net out.

  • small
  • fast as heck
  • mostly sorted
  • LOTS of APIs
  • very unclean code


Open Source? We sure are! Check out the Repository with the Button below!


Content Provided by this module is not Administrated by the Author, everything comes from outside sources and belongs to the rightful owners.
This Module is only for ease of use, (API) Abuse of any kind is not tolerated nor intended.